Friday, February 27, 2009

1% Well Read challenge

I am fairly new to blogging and so I'm not sure how to post all the links and what not. I need to figure it out so I can add book covers and stuff to make this a bit more visually appealing.

Hopefully my link I put in under the title works. I'm going to do this challenge. I'm not sure which option, I think I will aim for 10, but maybe the 13 of the 1300 books. I actually have a few of these on my to be read list! Some I have already read, so those won't count.

I'm excited to see what great reads I find in there!

Okay, I had to edit because somehow the link didn't make it, but anyway here it is:

This is by 3M, I need to add that blog to my blogroll! I really like that site!


  1. Thanks so much for participating and welcome to blogging!

  2. if you need tips on making your blog appealing, go to
    her posts relly helped me:)
