This was an audio book. I really enjoyed it. I am getting spoiled by reading such good ones lately!
This story is about a young boy who is hired on by the founding family of the town. As he works for them he is drawn into their lives. He begins to help with various things and the patriarch of the family is helping a senator run for president. During this time, the boy learns I think more than he ever imagined about the political process and what wealth can do good and bad.
I'm not going to go too much into it because I don't want to give it away, but its told from the view point of the young boy who is now a married man with mostly grown daughters of his own.
I thought it was really good. If I were grading it, I would give it a B+. Not one of my all time favorites, but one I am really glad I read.
22. The Secret of Honeycake
2 days ago